Networking to a Better You

Change Your Perspective

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
-Wayne Dyer

Back in the80’s, man developed microscopes that were so sensitive we could actually see the atom. Tiny building blocks that make up everything that we see and don’t see (everything around us). We learned about the structure of the atom and discovered that there are smaller particles that make up the atom called electrons, protons and neutrons. Since then we have been looking at the particles on an even smaller scale and have discovered smaller particles called quarks, gluons, electrons and neutrinos. And throughout this discovery, there was another fascinating discovery. By the very act of watching, the observer affects the observe reality. How could an observer affect the reality of something so fundamental as the atom? And yet the world around us (including you, yourself) is made up of these particles that change depending on your observations.

It’s amazing how the human mind works. We are still trying to understand it. Funny, the very power of our deductive reasoning, our memory, and what makes up a person’s personality are things that have perplexed the human race since man first posed the question “why?” And now, in the age of super computers and various types of imaging, tracking, and reading machines, we have moved lightyears ahead of our psychology friends of the 1900’s. But all we’ve learned is that the brain is so complex, that we still don’t have the capacity to understand it.

There are some things that we have discovered, however. Some things, we know. For example, we know that a person’s will to live can often be more powerful than many deadly diseases or conditions. We know that what a person puts out into the world, he/she gets back in return. We know that your psychological programming is done in your consciousness, but it is your subconscious programs that influence you to make the choices that you make. We also know that a person’s receptability to change is a primary factor in whether or not they can change. So how much of that is choice vs. genetic make up?

I first heard the quote, “When you change the way you look at thing, the things you look at change,” (Wayne Dyer) last August. I already don’t remember who it was that was doing the quoting (Tony Robins or someone else). But I do remember the profound impact it had on me. It is so true both by the fact that, like atoms, the observed is affected by the observer, and by changing your focus, you see different things and make different observations.

I’ve been working on my psychological programming for the last 6 months. I’ve been trying to improve my perception of myself, of money, and of my relationship with others. I’ve learned that when I let an argument escalate, it is because of a negative perspective that I have (not of the person, but) of myself. I then turn that perspective onto the other person and project my feelings of disliking me onto them. Suddenly, it becomes easier to disagree with that person. And their arguing back becomes evidence of my perspective, thus supporting the idea that I had, in the first place, that I am not worthy of them, or that I am not a good person of value. And if I ever let it get out of control, I find myself yelling the words, “You hate me.”

Has anyone else done that?

So I’ve been working on my personal image. I’ve been reprogramming myself. And I’ve seen a lot of positive results. My relationships are improving, especially my relationship with my beloved wife. My energy is more positive and powerful. I’m accomplishing life-long goals. I’m finishing projects. And life just keeps getting better and better. I’ve learned through this process that the only thing holding me back from my success is me.

Am I done? Have I made it? No way. I’ve got years of negative programming to reverse. But I’m on my way. And I’m not slowing down.

Ask me how I’m doing it.

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